Trees in Gulmohar Park - Saptiparni/Devil's Tree


Scientific Name - Alistonia Scholaris 

Common Name - Saptaparni , Devil's tree 

Family Name -  Apocynaceae (  Oleander family ) 

Bark - 

  • Pale and greyish -brown 
  • Has a distinctive pattern 
  • Trunk releases milky latex when injured 

Leaf -

  • Have 4-8 leaflets 
  • Attached to the stem like spokes of a wheel 
  • Leaf is 25 cm long ,dark green and glossy but duller below  

Flower - 

  • Small greenish - white 
  • Tightly packed in clusters at end 
  • Strongly scented especially in the evenings 

Fruit - 

  • Slim follicles present in pairs 
  •  40 cm long 
  •   Follicles open to reveal flat seeds with wings to assist them on their       journey 

Origin - Sub Himalyan tract and the Western ghats to Malaysia , Indoneshia to Northern Australia 

Range - Introduced in metropolitan cities in India such as Mumbai , Bangalore and Delhi 
Growing Condition - 
Grows in deep moist soil in its native range 
Stunted in Delhi 
Tolerant of pollution 
Uses - Bark yields drug called Ditabark which is used to treat diarrhoea and asthma . 
Wood used to make writing desks and coffins 
Legend - It is said that evil spirits live in the tree and so people do not sleep under the tree .
Location in Gulmohar Park - many trees in park near the gate facing the DDA park . 


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