Trees in Gulmohar Park - Neem


Scientific Name - Azadirachta Indica 

Common Name -  neem , margosa 

Family Name - Meliace ( Mahogany Family )

  • Thick and rough
  • Outer Bark is greyish brown , scabby and uneven with vertical lines
  • It grows more sturdy and flaky with age 
  • The inner bark is rufous brown 

Leaf -
  •  It is Feather compounded 
  •  leaves are 40 cm long 
  •  Crowed at the end of the twigs 
  •  4-8 pairs of leaflet are found in every leaf 
  •  Usually a solitary leaflet situated at the end ( not always present)
  •  Leaflets are slightly curved , with tooted margins
  •  Leafs fall around mid march and new leaves emerge quickly 
  •  New Leaves are subtle tint of pink becoming  dark green

Image result for neem tree leaves
Flower - 
  • Short and white in color 
  • Emerge in clusters from the leaf axis 
  • Bisexual and male flowers are found on the same tree 
  • Flowers open in the afternoon 
  • Has a delicate honey scent which is strongest at night 
  • Has 5 slender spreading petals and 10 stamens fused in the central column 


Fruit - 
  • 2cm long 
  • Thin pulp with hard stone 
  • green at first and then bright yellow 
Image result for photo karni neem tree fruit

Origin - Northern Myanmar near the Bangladesh border

Range -  

  • Naturalized all over India 
  • Found in Fiji , Mauritius and Guyana 
  • Also found in Sub Saharan Africa 

Growing Condition -     

  •    Prefers well drained , deep sandy soil
  •   Tolerates various soil and drought  
  •   Avoids sights prone to frost and waterlogging 

Uses -  
  • Pesticide made from neem leaves 
  • Seeds used to treat leprosy and skin disease 
Legend - 

 Neem was said to be formed when a few drops of Amrit fell onto the   ground while it was bieng carried by the Devas to heaven .

Location in Gulmohar Park -

  • A large tree in the park across the Gulmohar Club 
  • Young neem trees in the park next to D Block 
  • A large neen tree in D Block was cut down during construction 
  • Another Large tree next to Gate Number 7


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