
Showing posts from April, 2019

Trees in Gulmohar Park - Moulmein Rosewood

                                                                                   MOULMEIN ROSEWOOD Scientific Name - Millettia peguensis  Common Name - Moulmein Rosewood  Family Name - Caesalpiniace ( Cassia Subfamily )  Bark -  Pale grey or brown in colour  Mostly smooth  Older trees develop samall rough plates that flake off   Leaf - Feather compound , with 3 or sometimes 2 or opposed leaflets  One solitary terminal leaf  Have a short blunt tip  Flower -  Small and pea-like  Arranged in long drooping structures Purpulish muave petals and rust coloured flower cup  Fruit -  Hard and flat and woody  Green at first and then becomes pale brown  Slightly indented between seeds and narrowed at base of apex and base  Origin - Native to dry forests and savannahs in Myanmar and Thialand  Range -  Found in tropical regions in India and the world  Growing Condition -  Grows in dry and slightly humid forests  Grows near stream

Trees in Gulmohar Park - Peepal

         PEEPAL Scientific Name - Ficus religiosa Common Name - Peepal , Bo tree Family Name - Moraceae ( Fig Family ) Bark -  Yellowish or pale brownish grey in color   When young it is mostly smooth with faint patterns   Bark becomes rough and scaly with age   Inner Bark is deep pink   Releases a milky latex when injured Leaf -   Nearly  triangular with a heart shaped base   Leaves have a long thin tail or drip tail  The edge of leaves is wavy   Some leaves can 30 cm long however most are 14 cm   The leaf is smooth and hairless    Dark and glossy on the top and paler below    Leaves have prominent yellow veins   Leaf stalks are very long  Fig -   ( Figs are hollow containers that contain flowers which then develop into the fruit inside the fig ) Growing in pairs from the leaf axils  Peepal figs are small in size only 1 -1.5 cm in diameter . They are green at first and then red, then deep purple and alm

Trees in Gulmohar Park - Gulmohar

Gulmohar Scientific Name - Delonix Regia Common Name - Gulmohur , Flame Tree Family Name- Caesalpiniaceae ( Cassia Subfamily ) Bark -  Light brown Not very rough It has a prominent pattern It creases at branch fork  Leaf -  Twice feather compounded Leaves are 60 cm long It has a single leaf stalk and 10 to 20 pairs of side stalks  Each side stalk has up to thirty pairs of small leaflets Flower -  Very Large  Up to 12 cm long  Each flower has 5 petals   4 are scarlet with going from lighter to darker and the largest one is scarlet splashed with red and yellow  Flowers edges are crinkled Flower has 5 parts , it is lime green from outside and scarlet from inside . Fruit -  Large flat pod up to 60 cm  It is soft and green at first and then becomes dark and woody  Origin - Inner and coastal parts of Madagascar Range -  Popular in all tropical regions of the world Found in Mauritius and the Caribbean islands 

Trees in Gulmohar Park - Neem

Neem Scientific Name - Azadirachta Indica  Common Name -  neem , margosa  Family Name - Meliace ( Mahogany Family ) Bark -  Thick and rough Outer Bark is greyish brown , scabby and uneven with vertical lines It grows more sturdy and flaky with age  The inner bark is rufous brown  Leaf -  It is Feather compounded   leaves are 40 cm long   Crowed at the end of the twigs   4-8 pairs of leaflet are found in every leaf   Usually a solitary leaflet situated at the end ( not always present)  Leaflets are slightly curved , with tooted margins  Leafs fall around mid march and new leaves emerge quickly   New Leaves are subtle tint of pink becoming  dark green Flower -  Short and white in color  Emerge in clusters from the leaf axis  Bisexual and male flowers are found on the same tree  Flowers open in the afternoon  Has a delicate honey scent which is strongest at night  Has 5 slender spreading petals and 10 stamens fused in the cent